“We have a really good relationship with our landlord”

Among the many reasons  tenants have for not using a broker, this is one of my favorites.  Landlords love it even more.  Once a tenant tells his (her) landlord that they will not be using a commercial office broker, it basically signals to the landlord that they win.  You don’t play hardball with friends, and the landlord, who is in the business to make money, wants yo u to believe you are negotiating with a friend.  Unfortunately, his new “perspective friends”, other tenants looking at the building with brokers, will be getting dramatically more competitive proposals simply because they are using market forces to aid them.  Current market knowledge specific to your building and the kind of deals are being made in comparable buildings force a landlord to compete with the market and ensure better terms for you.  As we’ve said before, a straight renewal of and existing lease should result in a reduction in rent.  Depending on the current market and the amount of construction in the original lease this reduction could be between 5-40%.  If you’re negotiating without a broker–or in this case without BYOBroker—you’re not going to get this reduction.  With our help you’ll be able to present your friend with a compelling, well documented proposal that will save you money and help your buisness succeed.

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